Introducing Nick Jungheim


On the last day of fourth grade, my teacher pulled me aside and told me, “I can’t wait to read an article of yours in The New Yorker one day.”

While I didn’t know much at 10 years old, I was certain my future would involve putting pen to paper. Essays, news articles, short stories, copywriting, short stories, poetry, tweets, or stand-up comedy, I’ve tried my hand at them all. Finding the right word to follow the one that came before is my mission.

Some day, I hope to piece together sentences that impact and inspire others. Presently, I’m interested in positions that allow me to further explore the field of written communications, sharpen my skills as a writer, and help a company succeed.

Areas of interest include:
-Digital Marketing
-Content Writing/Marketing
-Nonprofit Development

Always available to chat here or at:
Twitter: @NJungheim_

Contact Nick